Autumn Bio

Autumn is a 3 year old golden retriever dingo mix. He was adopted as a puppy into a family of small children. The small children who hadn’t known better had mistreated him, the parents not knowing about it. As a pup, Autumn was always so uptight and on guard every second of the day, even in his sleep. So he decided to take matters of his own and run off.

He had learned the ways of keeping himself alive from a young age and decided to create a pack to find a family, in which he now leads today, being the alpha male. Autumn likes to always be or see others working. He also loves the thrill of chasing down something or just trying to figure out where food could be by his nose. He strongly dislikes it of someone questions him or tells him how he should run things. He also doesn't like it if he isn't doing something for too long. He is rather very intelligent and bold for whatever comes his way. Because of his obsession to always be doing something he is very hard working but also aggressive. Autumn’s worst fears is to have lost one of his pack members, or losing his spot as alpha. He is also very scared of humans,especially young ones.